I am a big fan of Kiehl's for a long time. Because I feel the company always can solve all my skin problems, or I say I trust this brands so much.
With the launch of the new skin series, Kiehl's provide a customer selection part, to mostly energize customers,like me
With the launch of the new skin series, Kiehl's provide a customer selection part, to mostly energize customers,like me
In this part, it helps customers to choose products based on skin type, weather condition, and also customer's preference.
After that the system would provide the customer with a skin plan based on Kiehl's products. Unlike telling the customers how good this plan is, The Kiehl's use word of mouth way to advertise their products, they would show a customer's photo who almost has the exactly same condition with you, and through her mouth, and a 3 months' before and after comparison, customers would buy their products without any doubt, because they solved all the questions in customer's mind.
In Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff, there are three essential steps for companies to make customers can feel that the company is customer centered, 1st, the companies should make the transformation from company centered to customer centerted step by step. 2nd, each steps leads in a natural progression to the next step. And the third, you have to have internal support.
In the case of the Kiehl's their website has a very good log relation, make customers feel very comfortable, they first put the post page of the new product, Rosa Arctica at the front page of the home page, make people aware the existence of the products, form the "Top Mind Awareness", by the click of the pictures, goes into the specific page of the rosa arctic, where first introduce the products, then give the true stories of the products, the bottom chart is the "Shop" choice, which is actually action Kiehl's want customers to do. But with the natural flow to the purchase, customer would feel that this company is not a company only look in my money, they really care about me, and want to perfect my skin.
The following video is the Coca's new machine. Companies like Coke Cola they are still trying a lot of ways to make their customers fell they care about the customers, they are always updating themselves. Since excitement, new things are the top mind awareness from customers to Coke Cola
In the chapter 12, the authors talking about energize the groundswell inside, which means make employees say yes first to your products, however, in my opinion, in this inside part, loyal customers should also be included, through them you can know what you need to change, and also some times they can represent the needs from customers, their customization sometimes for your company can be a matter.